

head of IWKA

10th level master

GM Sifu Sergio Pascal Iadarola started his martial arts career at the age of six by practicing Japanese martial art of Judo in the Dutch capital Amsterdam. At the age of twelve he studied Pencak Silat (Pamur style) and Wado Kai Karate.

During this time he was a great fan of Bruce Lee and read everything he could and learnt that Bruce Lee had started his martial journey with Wing Chun. At the same time he began writing letters to some of Bruce Lee's first students, such as James De Mile and Jesse Glover, to learn more about his idol. During this time, Sifu Sergio visited all the martial arts schools in Amsterdam with a group of friends, to see classes or to take lessons in the various martial arts that the city offered.

In 1987 he began training in Sifu R. Vogel's Wing Chun System and Grandmaster Wang Kiu. After about two months of training, he read Grandmaster Leung Ting's book Wing Tsun Kuen (the last closed student of Grandmaster Yip Man). After reading this book he stopped his training, after only four months of training, at Sifu Wang Kiu's school and started looking for a school where he could practicing the Leung Ting System.

In the same year he began training in the Leung Ting System under Sifu F. Schafer, but after only one month of training he had an unlucky car accident. Nine months later he continued his WT training and received his first technical degree from Sifu Kernspecht, EWTO's chief engineer, in 1994 in Aachen, Germany.

In the period 1994-1998 Sifu Sergio traveled all over Europe, attending numerous seminars in Germany and Italy of Sifu Emin Botztepe and taking hundreds of private lessons from several Wing Tsun masters such as Sifu HP Edel, Sifu S. Avci, etc. In 1997-1998 he was appointed Israeli chief instructor for EWTO by Sifu K. Kernspecht and moved to the Israeli capital Tel Aviv where he headed a successful school for about a year, until he decided to leave the country because of of political stress.

During a trip to Asia that year, his dream came true when he met his Sigung Grandmaster Leung Ting in Hong Kong, before seeing him only during his European seminars. After being adopted as a private student by his Sigung Leung Ting, Sifu Sergio went to Zagreb to finish and complete the Disarmed Wing Tsun System of Leung Ting under the guidance of Sifu Slavko Truntic, one of Leung Ting's master students, so that his Sigung should have just corrected it instead of teaching him the system from scratch.

Sifu Sergio has taken more than 100 hours of private lessons from his teacher during the period from January 1998 to October 2001 in Hong Kong and Shunde (Sun Tak) and studied intensively under GM Cheng Chuen Fan during normal classes and those for tutors at Leung Ting HQ. He also went on vacation with his Sigung in Miami, USA, to take more private lessons and enjoy time together.

During periods in Hong Kong Sifu Sergio was fortunate enough to be able to sleep in the aunt's house of a friend who lived in front of the GM Leung Ting school and therefore received all the corrections on the Leung Ting System disarmed directly from his Sigung .

In November and December 2001, Sifu Sergio P. Iadarola went to New York to complete the learning of Leung Ting's armed system: the Look Dim Poon Kwun (six-and-a-half pole) and Bart Cham Dao broad swords) under his Si-Pak Fong Wai Hung (Allan Fong). Being the first ever to have learned Bat Cham Dao from Sifu Fong, during this trip sifu Sergio was promoted by his Si-Pak Fong wai Hung 7th practician level. Due to some circumstances, Sifu Sergio decided in January 2002 to start its association, the IWKA, to promote and disseminate the authentic Leung Ting Wing Tjun system as taught by GM Leung Ting in Hong Kong.

Having realized that the Wing Tsun Leung Ting system and the Yip man Wing Chun system in general were not the only Wing Chun lines in China, and above all they were not the most complete ones (in fact the Yip man system was a personal interpretation and a mix of three lineages, namely Chan Wha Sun, Yuen Kay San and Dai Dak Lan), Sifu Sergio decided to use the next decade to intensively study other lineages and lineages of Eternal Spring.

He studied the Family Line with Sifu Cheng Kwong, successor to the deceased Sifu Wai Check Yan who taught him Saam Bai Fat and the art of Kam Na and also studied with the son of deceased Grandmaster Pak Cheung and Sifu Pak Cheung Kau in Mainland China.

During this period Sifu Sergio also studied the art of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu to deepen his knowledge in the ground fight. After that he continued to study the Wing Chun system of the Tang Family of the Eternal Spring lineage of deceased Grandmaster Tang Yick with Sifu Tang Chung Pak, taught him by Luk Dim Poon Kuan and sifu Sunny So (the last student of GM Tang Yick) who taught him the rest of the system with intense private lessons.

To further expand his knowledge, Sifu Sergio also studied the Sum Nung (Yuen Kay San) system and the ancestor systems of the modern wing Chun linages, including the Fukien Yong Chun Bak Hok (White Crane) system under the guidance of various Sifu in intense private lessons. He also moved to China and then to Hong Kong to dedicate all his time to study and research art through Sifu Sunny So and other Masters.

Sifu Sergio also made several visits to the village GU Lo in mainland China, where he studied the only Gu Lo Wing Chun system with Fung Chun for several days. This system retains the latest teachings of Deceased Grandmaster Dr. Leung Jan.

In recent years, due to intense research through secret societies born after the destruction of the South Shaolin Temple, Sifu Sergio began to intensively study the teachings of the deceased GM Kwee King Yang in Indonesia under the guidance of Sifu Tio Tek Kwie and study other internal systems that were definitely linked to Wing Chun in the past and which contain the crucial knowledge of the "internal power" that made the IWKA system even more complete.

The latest studies that have completed his research in the Wing Chun lineage of the "Radiosa Primavera" have brought him in touch with the sources that have brought him to the Kuen Kuits originals since 1850, before the Siu Nim Tao was divided into three Shapes after 1854 with the destruction of the "Fine Jade Hall" (1855), the Kuen Kuits since 1890, when Siu Nim Tao was already divided into: Siu Nim Tao, Chum Kiu and Biu Tze.

Sifu Sergio wants to keep secrets - at this time - some of the sources from which he obtains his information and some Sifu, who are currently teaching him the art of internal, due to the succession of some actions by former students of its association.

Some of its experiences can be followed and shared on Sifu Sergio Channel, one of the best channels on You Tube for Wing Tjun.

Currently, Sifu Sergio is spreading all his knowledge through his association, IWKA, which is 14 countries world wide.

Sifu Sergio is:

- International Chief Instructor and CEO IWKA based in Hong Kong.

- Official West Representative for Vin Tsun and Dragon Kung Fu Association of Sifu Cheng Kwong (Hong Kong).

- Chief Instructor for USA and Europe for Sifu Sunny So (Hong Kong).